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Pass Perfect Features

  • Lightweight design
  • Develops muscle memory
  • Designed to fit over 90% of all hand sizes
  • Enhances grip and passing surface
  • Durable
  • Two position system
  • Non-slip grip
  • Compact size
  • Perfect for indoor or outdoor players
  • Easy to use at any skill level and age
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About the Pass Perfect

Are you tired of passes that go into the bleachers or that send you out of the game? Our device is patented and proven to improve your game. Whether you are an advanced player looking for perfection, or a beginner just learning, or somewhere in between Pass-Perfect can help.

Perfect Passing Volleyball Help

Position 1

Grip underhanded as close to the center as possible, arrows facing you. This opens up the underside of the forearms making for a flat and wider passing surface. Unlike off the bone which hurts and is a more narrow width to pass the ball. Steady use of product develops muscle memory for the proper surface of which to pass from.

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Perfect Passing Volleyball Help

Position 2

Designed with indentions for thumbs on top and fingers on the bottom. Created at an angle causing wrists to pronate downward to further enlarge your platform.Enforces holding your platform throughout the digging progression.

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Pass Perfect Founder and CEO

About Us

Pass-Perfect was created by Geno Frugoli who has 28+ years of volleyball coaching experience, starting from coaching his little sisters' club team all the way to 10 years in NCAA Division 1.

For Geno, Volleyball has been a lifelong passion. His career of being an accomplished beach and indoor player along with his college coaching experience has led to helping countless players of all abilities go from making a team to playing professionally.

Pass Perfect is a training device that he developed and used at all levels to be perfect at passing a volleyball.

Watch the Pass Perfect in Action!